
Friday, July 8, 2011

Are we there yet?

My parents are sending the hubs and I on a belated honeymoon in October. We'll be spending 7 days in St. Thomas.

S-e-v-e-n days.


Without the Beans...

As in, he'll be in Texas, and we'll be in ST. THOMAS (obviously I'm not looking forward to it at all. I'm thinking about just letting David take a friend and have a guys weekend while I stay home and iron his socks.... False. I am not.)

Love the kid, but I can't wait to sleep in, drink piña coladas, get my tan on, explore and spend some much needed quality time with my baby daddy. (all while sippin on some piña coladas, of course.)

This is where we'll be staying. Ya, not sure if we'll ever come back.

Yes please.

Don't mind if I do.

Three more months. I'm not sure I can wait that long.



  1. Wow! This looks like fuuuuun! I'm totally like you when it comes to spending time with the hubs without the baby....bring it on!!!

  2. I'd be jealous except for the fact that I'm getting to stay with the afore mentioned Beans for those 7 glorious days! Ps....Dad says "next vaca is ours!" haha

  3. Bea.u.ti.ful.

    You will love it!!! (I am the best at encouraging moms to go and the worst at actually going. )

  4. your parents are the BOMB. and i've stayed at st john before and it is UNREAL. you should go there too.

    also, i love your "about me" -- soo not crafty and blah blah blah... exactly how i feel!

  5. Jess!!! Again, I can't see your pics :( ???? It's probably our dinosaur computer.....urg! But Anyway, sooooo excited for you! Yippeeee!

    Love you,
    Aunt Kelly :)

  6. Bridget-I couldn't agree more, I actually think parents get even BETTER after you've had kids yourself ;). And we will definitely venture over to St johns! Oh, and I've seen your etsy shop so don't eeeeven talk to me about not being crafty!!

    Kel-it might actually just be my blog because they're not showing up for me at times too!? Ps you need to start your blog! It's seriously such a stress reliver! Love you

    Mom-you and dad definitly need a vacay! We'll return the favor and babysit lucy!
